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In Miami we are linked to the support programs of the Emmaus Santa Barbara Group, a non-profit secular entity, highlighting the support for children from immigrant communities in Homestead Florida among other programs. We have also donated to the Archdiocese of Miami for its support programs for the most vulnerable community in Miami Dade County.

In Ecuador we are a company that is a friend of Aldeas Infantiles SOS, an important social development organization with a wide presence in Latin America. With our donations we support the development of the communities in which they work; promoting the rights of children and adolescents, we share their vision and collaborate in the creation of a protective environment so that hundreds of boys, girls, adolescents and families can develop skills that allow them to face the challenges of the future.

In order to help reduce the impact of COVID-19 on children and vulnerable communities, we have joined the Unicef USA corporate donations program.

One of our goals is to help children and vulnerable communities in our work areas have opportunities and a better future. 

In Colombia we have supported the Lions Club for (3) three years, a San Agustín group that provides services to children and the most vulnerable community in Barrio La Gloria, located east of Bogotá DC

In Miami we are linked to the support programs of the Santa Barbara Catholic Church Emmaus Group, highlighting the support for children from immigrant communities in Homestead Florida among other programs. We have also donated to the Archdiocese of Miami for its support programs for the most vulnerable community in Miami Dade County.

In Ecuador we are a company that is a friend of Aldeas Infantiles SOS, an important social development organization with a presence in Latin America. With our donations we support the development of the communities in which they work; promoting the rights of children and adolescents, we share their vision and collaborate in the creation of a protective environment so that hundreds of boys, girls, adolescents and families can develop skills that allow them to face the challenges of the future.

In the USA and with the aim of contributing to reducing the impact of COVID-19 on children and vulnerable communities, we have joined the Unicef USA corporate donations program.

Captura de Pantalla 2020-05-06 a la(s) 3
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